Cells for Life
In the strategy of the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service 2022-2026 everything starts from the donors.

The cornerstones of our strategy
- Everything starts from the donors. In Finland, we need a large and diverse pool of voluntary donors reflecting society and committed to helping patients – now and in the future. Society’s trust in our work is crucial.
- We are here for patients and healthcare professionals alike. Our emphasis on efficiency and good cost management ensures patient care yields the maximum benefit from our products and services. Our quality requirements are high.
- We are the only operator in our field in Finland, so security of supply is crucially important to us and the whole of society. The move to our new centre in Vehkala, Vantaa was an important strategic reform, also in support of patient care. The centre strengthens our operational reliability and helps us renew.
- Our expertise and know-how are an important part of our contribution to society. Our successful scientific research and improvements to services will continue. We work closely together with the authorities, hospitals and the scientific community to develop our present services and to introduce new ones.
Strategic Themes
Large, diverse donor pool
Volunteer donors are our partners. They are committed to helping patients, and we provide them with an excellent, uniform service experience. Patients need donors’ help every day, and the needs within patient care are constantly changing. We make sure Finland has enough blood and stem cell donors to meet the changing needs of patient care. Our international networks allow us constantly to assess and develop our operations.
Safe products and services for the benefit of patients
Patients and hospitals know they can trust the Blood Service as a provider of blood products, stem cell grafts and the related laboratory examinations. We use our expertise to manage and further improve quality, safety and our contribution to society. Our know-how in the processing of cells and other donor material together with our development partnerships and diverse customer collaboration create opportunities for developing new treatments.
Products and services for new treatments
We develop and produce new products and services to broaden the treatment of severe diseases with the emphasis on efficiency, economy and quality. Together with researchers, physicians and our partners we create initiatives for the development of new products. We are also opening up new research opportunities based on samples and data obtained from healthy donors in the Blood Service biobank.
Enabling factors
Developing digital services and utilizing data
We produce secure digital services for our clients, donors and staff to facilitate the use of our services, support the digitisation of processes and create a smooth user experience. Our modern, secure digital infrastructure and information systems ensure our operations and services run smoothly without disruption. We promote active utilization of data resources.
Transparent, efficient communications
Our communications are transparent, reliable and bold. We use multiple communications channels to promote the impact of our operations and build trust with our stakeholders. We use communications to keep donors committed and active even in rapidly changing situations. We want our communications to bring joy, hope and a sense of security.
Reliable, financially stable and efficient Blood Service, even in exceptional circumstances
The Blood Service has a key function in society. We actively develop our workflow processes together with the authorities and hospitals to ensure smooth, high-quality operations. We work together with our distributors and partners in a target-oriented manner. The Finnish Red Cross is a contingency organisation of which the Blood Service is one part with responsibility for its own preparedness. We ensure we have adequate capacity in both normal and exceptional circumstances. We also work to secure the reliability of our technological solutions.
Friendly, responsible, encouraging employer
We want our workplace to offer meaningful work that our employees enjoy. Our know-how and enthusiasm provide benefits to our clients. We encourage and support our employees in further developing their knowledge and skills and taking care of their ability to work. We are a responsible employer and comply with the principles of the Red Cross. We work hard to protect the environment and climate.
Competences and skills promoting change and development
We are the only blood service in Finland, so our know-how and expertise are key in terms of safeguarding patient care. It is vital that we constantly develop and gain new skills to implement our strategy. Through planning we ensure our expertise is passed on to future experts.