Instructions for Joining the Stem Cell Registry
Taking the registration sample is easy to do at home! The sample is taken from the inside surfaces of the mouth.
- Take the online test to find out if you can join.
- Fill out the registration form. Note: use your official postal address.
- Take the registration samples (see the instruction video below) when you receive them by mail.
- Return the registration samples in the return envelope. Postage has been paid for you.
You are a member!
Can’t see the video? Watch it on YouTube.
- Make sure there is no food or food residue in your mouth. Have an empty and clean glass or mug nearby.
- Open the swab packaging. Always take out only one swab at a time. Do not touch the sample collection tip.
Sample Collection
- First swab: Rotate the swab inside your left cheek for 1 minute. After that, place the swab in the glass or mug with the sample collection tip facing upwards.
- Second swab: Rotate the swab inside your right cheek for 1 minute. Then place the swab in the same glass or mug with the sample collection tip facing upwards.
- Third swab: Rotate the swab inside your lips and also inside your cheek, around the inside of your mouth, for 1 minute. Then place the swab in the glass or mug with the sample collection tip facing upwards.
- Let the swabs dry in the glass or mug for about 2 minutes.
Sending the Samples
- Place all three swabs into the white cardboard envelope as they are and seal it using the adhesive on the envelope. Do not put anything else in the envelope.
- Place the sealed cardboard envelope containing the swabs into the return envelope and send it to the Stem Cell Registry.
- Postage is prepaid, so you can drop the envelope in the nearest orange mailbox of Posti.
If you have any questions, call us at 029 300 1515 (Mon-Fri 9 am – 3 pm) or email us at