Articles 2011
Borze I, Scheinin I, Siitonen S, Elonen E, Juvonen E and Knuutila S. miRNA expression profiles in myelodysplastic syndromes reveal Epstein-Barr virus miR-BART13 dysregulation. Leuk Lymphoma 2011;52(8):1567-73. PM: 21667160
Croke M, Ross FP, Korhonen M, Williams DA, Zou W and Teitelbaum SL. Rac deletion in osteoclasts causes severe osteopetrosis. J Cell Sci. 2011;124:3811-21.J Cell Sci. 2011;124:3811-21. PM: 22114304
Eskola M, Juutistenaho S, Aranko K, Sainio S, Kekomäki R. Association of cord blood
platelet count and volume with hemoglobin in healthy term infants. J Perinatol 2011;31(4):258-62. PM: 20689516
Gaafar A, Sheereen A, Iqneibi A, Mohamed G, Sulaiman AA, Turpeinen H and Hussein KA. Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor gene diversity in the Saudi population. Mol Biol Rep. 2011;38(4):2601-2610. PM: 21107733
K. Haimila, N. Alakulppi and J. Partanen. Immune Gene Polymorphisms Associate with Outcome in Kidney Transplantation. In: Trzcinska M. editors. Kidney Transplantation – New Perspectives. InTech; 2011:291-316.
Hiltunen LM, Laivuori H, Rautanen A, Kaaja R, Kere J, Krusius T, Rasi V and Paunio M. FV Leiden as risk factor for preterm birth – a population-based nested case-control study. J Thromb Haemost. 2011;9(1):71-78. PM: 20946152
Hollmen M, Kyllönen L, Inkinen K, Lalla M, Merenmies J and Salmela K. Deceased donor neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and delayed graft function after kidney transplantation: a prospective study. Critical Care. 2011;15(3):R121. PM: 21545740
Klemetti M, Hiltunen LM, Heino S, Heinonen S, Kajantie E and Laivuori H. An Obesity-Related FTO Variant and the Risk of Preeclampsia in a Finnish Study Population. J Preg. 2011;Article ID 251470:7 p. PM: 22132335
Korhonen M, Valmu L, Nystedt J. Veripalvelu on tuomassa uusia soluhoitoja Suomeen. Sic! Lääketietoa FIMEAsta 3/2011:20-21.
Korpimäki S, Kaukinen K, Collin P, Haapala AM, Holm P, Laurila K, Kurppa K, Saavalainen P, Haimila K, Partanen J, Mäki M and Lähdeaho ML. Gluten-Sensitive Hypertransaminasemia in Celiac Disease: An Infrequent and Often Subclinical Finding. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011;106(9):1689-96. PM: 21502996
Koskinen S, Javela K. Hepariinivasta-aineiden kvantitatiivinen määritys lisää HIT-diagnostiikan luotettavuutta. Kliin Lab 2011;2:31-3
Koskinen S, Javela K. Hepariinin aiheuttama trombosytopenia ja tukostaipumus (HIT)-diagnostiikan haasteita tehohoitoyksikössä. Tehohoito 2011;29(2):140-3.
Krusius T, Pastila S. Verensiirtoinfektiot. kirjassa: Hedman K, Heikkinen T, Huovinen P, Järvinen A, Meri S, Vaara M (toimittajat). Infektiosairaudet. Mikrobiologia, immunologia ja infektiosairaudet, kirja 3. 1. p. – Helsinki: Duodecim, 2011:732-8.
Kurppa K, Lindfors K, Collin P, Saavalainen P, Partanen J, Haimila K, Huhtala H, Laurila K, Maki M and Kaukinen K. Antibodies Against Deamidated Gliadin Peptides in Early-stage Celiac Disease. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2011;45(8):673-8. PM: 21063208
Laitinen A, Nystedt J and Laitinen S. The Isolation and Culture of Human Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Under Low Oxygen Conditions. Methods Mol Biol. 2011;698:63-73. PM: 21431511
Lindfors K, Koskinen O, Kurppa K, Laurila K, Collin P, Haimila K, Partanen J, Saavalainen P, Mäki M and Kaukinen K. Serodiagnostic Assays for Celiac Disease Based on the Open or Closed Conformation of the Autoantigen, Transglutaminase 2. J Clin Immunol. 2011;31(3):436-42. PM: 21384250
Lindfors K, Koskinen O, Laurila K, Collin P, Saavalainen P, Haimila K, Partanen J, Mäki M and Kaukinen K. IgA-class autoantibodies against neuronal transglutaminase, TG6 in celiac disease: No evidence for gluten dependency. Clin Chim Acta. 2011;412(13-14):1187-90. PM: 21453693
Lokki AI, Klemetti MM, Heino S, Hiltunen L, Heinonen S and Laivuori H. Association of the rs1424954 polymorphism of the ACVR2A gene with the risk of pre-eclampsia is not replicated in a Finnish study population. BMC Res Notes. 2011;4(1):545. PM: 22177086
Merenmies J, Partanen J. HLA-antigeenit, antigeenien esittely ja antigeenireseptorit. Kirjassa: Hedman K, Heikkinen T, Huovinen P, Järvinen A, Meri S, Vaara, M. toimittajat. Immunologia – Mikrobiologia, immunologia ja infektiosairaudet, Kirja 2. 1.p. Helsinki: Duodecim; 2011:72-87.
Natunen S, Satomaa T, Pitkänen V, Salo H, Mikkola M, Natunen J, Otonkoski T and Valmu L. The binding specificity of the marker antibodies Tra-1-60 and Tra-1-81 reveals a novel pluripotency associated type 1 lactosamine epitope. Glycobiology. 2011;21(9):1125-1130. PM: 21159783
Ortiz M, Torréns M, Alakulppi N, Strömbom L, Fragoso A, O’Sullivan C K. Amperometric supramolecular genosensor self-assembled on cyclodextrin-modified surfaces. Electrochemistry Communications 2011;13(6):578-81.
Peräsaari J. Luminex analytiikka kliinisessä laboratoriossa. Kliin Lab 2011(2): 29-30.
Piirilä P, Laiho M, Mustonen P, Graner M, Piilonen A, Raade M, Sarna S, Harjola VP and Sovijarvi A. Reduction in membrane component of diffusing capacity is associated with the extent of acute pulmonary embolism. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2011;31(3):196-202. PM: 21143754
Puurunen M. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Vasculär Medicin 2011;27(3):140-43.
Raatikainen P, Askonen K, Halinen M, Huikuri H, Koistinen J, Lepojärvi M, Parikka H, Puurunen M, Virtanen V. Eteisvärinä – Käypä hoito –suosituksen päivitystiivistelmä. Duodecim 2011;127(5):506-8. PM: 21491757
Ranta S, Koskinen S and Mäkipernaa A. Successful eradication of inhibitor of late recurrence and other high risk prognostic factors in a patient with severe haemophilia A. Haemophilia. 2011;17(5):e833-e834. PM: 21624011
Rosskopf K, Ragg SJ, Worel N, Gromme M, Preijers FW, Braakman E, Schuurhuis GJ, van Riet I, Wendel S, Fontao-Wendel R, Lazar A, Goldman M, Halpenny M, Giulivi A, Letcher B, McGann L, Korhonen M, Arvola A, Humpe A, Buwitt-Beckmann U, Wiesneth M, Schauwecker P, Schrezenmeier H, Bonig H, Henschler R, Seifried E, Accorsi P, Bonfini T, Takanashi M, van Beckhoven JM, Brand A, Gounder D, Wong A, Dooccey R, Forrest E, Galea G, Smythe J, Pawson R, Reems JA, Oh J, Reesink HW and Panzer S. Quality controls of cryopreserved haematopoietic progenitor cells (peripheral blood, cord blood, bone marrow). Vox Sang. 2011;101(3):255-75. PM: 21923889
Ruuskanen A, Luostarinen L, Collin P, Krekela I, Patrikainen H, Tillonen J, Laurila K, Haimila K, Partanen J, Mäki M, Valve R and Kaukinen K. Persistently positive gliadin antibodies without transglutaminase antibodies in the elderly: Gluten intolerance beyond coeliac disease. Dig Liver Dis. 2011;43(10):772-8. PM: 21641886
Salmela E, Lappalainen T, Liu J, Sistonen P, Andersen PM, Schreiber S, Savontaus M, Czene K, Lahermo P, Hall P and Kere J. Swedish Population Substructure Revealed by Genome-Wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Data. PLoS ONE. 2011;6(2):e16747. PM: 21347369
Skjelbred CF, Svendsen M, Haugan V, Eek AK, Clausen KO, Kure EH, Tuimala JT, Svendsen MV, Norppa H and Hansteen IL. Influence of GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1, NAT1, NAT2, EPHX1, MTR and MTHFR polymorphism on chromosomal aberration frequencies in human lymphocytes. Carcinogenesis. 2011;32(3):399-405. PM: 21097530
Suila H, Pitkänen V, Hirvonen T, Heiskanen A, Anderson H, Laitinen A, Natunen S, Miller-Podraza H, Satomaa T, Natunen J, Laitinen S and Valmu L. Are globoseries glycosphingolipids SSEA-3 and -4 markers for stem cells derived from human umbilical cord blood? J Mol Cell Biol. 2011;3(2):99-107. PM: 21149348
Sysi-Aho M, Ermolov A, Gopalacharyulu PV, Tripathi A, Seppänen-Laakso T, Maukonen J, Mattila I, Ruohonen ST, Vähätalo L, Yetukuri L, Härkönen T, Lindfors E, Nikkilä J, Ilonen J, Simell O, Saarela M, Knip M, Kaski S, Savontaus E and Oresic M. Metabolic regulation in progression to autoimmune diabetes. PLoS Comput Biol. 2011;7(10):e1002257. PM: 22046124
Takkunen M, Turpeinen H, Viisanen H, Wigren HK, Aarnio M and Pitkäniemi J. Introduction of real patients into problem-based learning in preclinical first-year anatomy curriculum. Med Teach. 2011;33(10):854-6. PM: 21592021
Tuimala J and Krusius T. Verivalmisteiden optimaalinen käyttö-hanke. Tehohoito. 2011;29(1):48-50.
Wacklin P, Mäkivuokko H, Alakulppi N, Nikkilä J, Tenkanen H, Räbinä J, Partanen J, Aranko K and Mättö J. Secretor Genotype (FUT2 gene) Is Strongly Associated with the Composition of Bifidobacteria in the Human Intestine. PLoS ONE. 2011;6(5):e20113. PM: 21625510
Wasmund N, Tuimala J, Suikkanen S, Vandepitte L and Kraberg A. Long-term trends in phytoplankton composition in the western and central Baltic Sea. J Mar Syst. 2011;87(2):145-59.