Articles 2010
Ali A, Auvinen MK and Rautonen J. The aging population poses a global challenge for blood services.Transfusion. 2010;50(3):584-8. PM: 19912582
Alm JJ, Koivu HM, Heino TJ, Hentunen TA, Laitinen S and Aro HT.Circulating plastic adherent mesenchymal stem cells in aged hip fracture patients.J Orthop Res. 2010;28(12):1634-42. PM: 20540091
Bettelheim D, Panzer S, Reesink HW, Csapo B, Pessoa C, Guerra F, Wendel S, Calda P, Sprogoe U, Dziegiel M, Aitokallio-Tallberg A, Koskinen S, Kuosmanen M, Legler TJ, Stein W, Villa S, Villa MA, Trespidi L, Acaia B, Vandenbussche FP, Brand A, de Haas M, Kanhai HH, Gounder D, Flanagan P, Donegan R, Parry E, Sefonte C, Skulstad SM, Hervig T, Flesland O, Zupanska B, Uhrynowska M, Lapaire O, Zhong XY and Holzgreve W. Monitoring and treatment of anti-D in pregnancy. Vox Sang. 2010;99(2):177-92. PM: 20331536
Ferreira RC, Pan-Hammarström Q, Graham RR, Gateva V, Fontan G, Lee AT, Ortmann W, Urcelay E, Fernandez-Arquero M, Nunez C, Jorgensen G, Ludviksson BR, Koskinen S, Haimila K, Clark HF, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK, Behrens TW and Hammarström L. Association of IFIH1 and other autoimmunity risk alleles with selective IgA deficiency. Nat Genet. 2010;42(9):777-80. PM: 20694011
Hiltunen LM, Laivuori H, Rautanen A, Kaaja R, Kere J, Krusius T, Paunio M and Rasi V. Factor V Leiden as risk factor for unexplained stillbirth – a population-based nested case-control study. Thromb Res. 2010;125(6):505-10. PM: 19828176
Javela K. SPR Veripalvelun kokemuksia hyytymisnäytteiden preanalytiikasta.Moodi 2010(5):264-5.
Javela K, Kekomäki R and Koskinen S. Significance of quantitative measurement of heparin-induced platelet antibodies. Eur J Haematol 2010;84(2):169-74. PM: 19845741
Juutistenaho S, Vahtera E, Aranko K and Kekomäki R. Prothrombin activation fragment 1 + 2 as a marker of coagulation activation in cord blood collection for banking. Transfus Med. 2010;20(4):250-7. PM: 20345383
Juutistenaho S, Eskola M, Sainio S, Aranko K and Kekomäki R. Association of stress-related perinatal factors and cord blood unit hematopoietic progenitors is dependent on delivery mode. Transfusion. 2010;50(3):663-71. PM: 200042029
Koistinen J. The role of Red Cross: operation of the blood service or just donor recruitment. Proceedings of the ESTM residential course Tirana (Italy) 3-7 March 2010. Milano, Italy: European School of Transfusion Medicine;2010:39-42.
Koistinen J. Compatibility with the EU Blood Directive: points to consider for hospitals. Proceedings of the ESTM residential course Tirana (Italy) 3-7 March 2010. Milano, Italy: European School of Transfusion Medicine;2010:81-4.
Korhonen M, Lehenkari P. Mesenkymaaliset kantasolut lääketieteen murroksessa. Duodecim. 2010;126(14):1645-7.
Korkeila P, Mustonen P, Koistinen J, Nyman K, Ylitalo A, Karjalainen P, Lund J and Airaksinen J. Clinical and laboratory risk factors of thrombotic complications after pacemaker implantation: a prospective study.Europace. 2010;12(6):817-24. PM: 20348141
Koskinen S, Javela K and Kekomäki RM. HIT – hepariinin aiheuttama trombosytopenia ja tukostaipumus. Duodecim. 2010;126(10):1101-3.
Koskinen O, Lindfors K, Collin P, Peräaho M, Laurila K, Woolley N, Partanen J, Mäki M and Kaukinen K. Intestinal transglutaminase 2 specific antibody deposits in non-responsive coeliac disease. Dig Liver Dis. 2010;42(10):692-7. PM: 20409763
Lahdelma L, Oja S, Korhonen M, Anderson LC. Clozapine is cytotoxic to primary cultures of human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2010;30(4)::461-63. PM: 20631565
Lappalainen T, Salmela E, Andersen PM, Dahlman-Wright K, Sistonen P, Savontaus ML, Schreiber S, Lahermo P and Kere J. Genomic landscape of positive natural selection in Northern European populations.Eur J Hum Genet. 2010;18(4):471-8. PM: 19844263
Middelburg RA, van Stein D, Zupanska B, Uhrynowska M, Gajic O, Muniz-Diaz E, Galvez NN, Silliman CC, Krusius T, Wallis JP, Vandenbroucke JP, Briet E and van der Bom JG.Female donors and transfusion-related acute lung injury. Transfusion. 2010;50(11):2447-54. PM: 20529001
Miettinen MH, Mäkelä SM, Ala-Houhala IO, Huhtala HS, Hurme MA, Kööbi T, Partanen JA, Pasternack AI, Vaheri A, Pörsti IH and Mustonen JT.The Severity of Acute Puumala Hantavirus Infection Does Not Predict the Long-Term Outcome of Patients.Nephron Clin Pract. 2010;116(2):c89-94. PM: 20502044
Mustonen P. ASA-resistenssi – kliininen ongelma ?. Duodecim 2010;126(5):468-9.
Nystedt J, Anderson H, Hirvonen T, Impola U, Jaatinen T, Heiskanen A, Blomqvist M, Satomaa T, Natunen J, Saarinen J, Lehenkari P, Valmu L and Laine J. Human CMP-N-Acetylneuraminic Acid Hydroxylase (CMAH) is a Novel Stem Cell Marker Linked to Stem Cell-Specific Mechanisms.Stem Cells. 2010;28(2):258-67. PM: 19890979
Oksanen AM, Haimila KE, Rautelin HI and Partanen JA.Immunogenetic characteristics of patients with autoimmune gastritis. World J Gastroenterol. 2010;16(3):354-8. PM: 20082482
Peltoniemi H, Ritamo I, Räbinä J, and Valmu L. Automated N-glycan composition analysis with LC-MS/MSMS. In: Hicks MG and Kettner C. Glyco-Bioinformatics – Bits ‘n’ Bytes of Sugars. Proceedings of the International Beilstein Symposium October 4th -8th, 2009, Potsdam, Germany. Beisltein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften; 2010:37-48.
Pietilä M, Lehtonen S, Närhi M, Hassinen IE, Leskelä HV, Aranko K, Nordström K, Vepsäläinen A and Lehenkari P. Mitochondrial Function Determines the Viability and Osteogenic Potency of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2010;16(3):435-45. PM: 19839730
Puurunen M, Mustonen P. Klopidogreelivasteen arviointi ja kliininen merkitys. Kliin Lab 2010;27(6):109-13.
Puurunen M, Mustonen P. Klopidogreeliresistenssi – lääkevasteen arviointi ja kliininen merkitys. Duodecim 2010;126(9):1021-8.
Rautonen J. Self-sufficiency, free trade and safety. Biologicals. 2010;38(1):97-9.PM: 20074979
Riederer M, Ojala PJ, Hrzenjak A, Tritscher M, Hermansson M, Watzer B, Schweer H, Desoye G, Heinemann A and Frank S. Acyl chain-dependent effect of lysophosphatidylcholine on endothelial prostacyclin production. J Lipid Res. 2010;51(19):2957-66. PM: 20610733
Suhonen J, Pirttilä T, Erkinjuntti T, Koponen H, Makkonen M, Puurunen M, Raivio M, Rinne J, Rosenvall A, Strandberg T, Vanninen T, Vataja R. Muistisairauksien diagnostiikka ja lääkehoito. Käypä hoito -suosituksen päivitystiivistelmä. Duodecim 2010;126(18):2167-8. PM: 21072963
Tuimala J, Krusius T. Verivalmisteiden optimaalinen käyttö. Moodi 2010(5):266-9.
Valmu L, Ravela S and Stenman UH. Proteomic analysis of pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor/tumor-associated trypsin inhibitor from urine of patients with pancreatitis or prostate cancer.Methods Mol Biol. 2010;641:347-57. PM: 20407956