Stem Cell Registry

“Getting a stem cell transplant means the world”

World Marrow Donor Day will be celebrated on Saturday 21 September 2024. Each year, around 100 patients in Finland need a blood stem cell transplant from a voluntary donor. Approximately one in six…

Check out the annual report 2023

How did we manage to take care of Finland's blood supply last year? In the Blood Service's new annual report 2023, you will find key figures and statistics, as well as reviews of the most important…

FRCBS Annual Report for 2022 published

The Blood Service Annual Report for 2022 has been published. You will find all the key figures and statistics concerning Finnish Red Cross Blood Service and an overview of the most important changes…

Third time lucky

Roberto first decided to try donating blood during his student days. One of his aims was to overcome his fear of needles, which he successfully did. He also became a stem cell donator.

Henry Liukko-Sipi: Heaven and Hell

Almost four years ago, my wife Kirsti and I were sitting with our 18-month-old daughter, Laina, at the children’s clinic of the Helsinki University Hospital, and my heart was aching more than ever.

Emille received stem cells from his big brother

Emille Nyembo, 2, from Oulu suffers from sickle-cell anaemia that has been treated with red blood cell exchange transfusions and a stem cell transplant. As a result of increased immigration, more and…