
FRCBS Annual Report for 2022 published

The Blood Service Annual Report for 2022 has been published. You will find all the key figures and statistics concerning Finnish Red Cross Blood Service and an overview of the most important changes and…

75 years of care: Blood Service celebrates its anniversary

Year 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the start of operations of Finnish Red Cross Blood Service. The systemic collection of blood began in Finland during the war years. Established in 1948, the Blood…

Emergency care tests the use of whole blood

The Finnish Red Cross Blood Service launches a joint study with emergency physicians on the use of a whole blood product in emergency care. The study examines the usability and safety of the whole blood…

Applications invited for Blood Service research grants 2022

Researchers are now invited to apply for grants from the Blood Service research fund for 2022. The purpose of these grants is to support research related to the Blood Service’s current and future products…