News and articles

LastOnline Brings Blood Service to Assembly

The joint blood donation campaign for gamers and e-sports enthusiasts, LastOnline, will also be present at Assembly! Assembly Summer 2024 will be held at Helsinki's Messukeskus from August 1-4, 2024.

Blood Service Kuopio moves to the Shopping Center Minna

At the end of 2024, the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service will open a new donation site on the second floor of the Shopping Center Minna. The current facilities on the other side of the market square…

5 questions about blood donation and health

New blood donors are needed in order for Finland to have a sufficient amount of blood donors now as well as in the future to secure patient care. Many people considering donating blood need…

A Good Samaritan on a motorcycle

For decades, a Finnish motorist association, SMOTO (Suomen Motoristit ry), has been actively encouraging its members to donate blood. Raimo Ryhtä, a motorist and active blood donor from the city of…

Blood donors are vital for patients

Blood donors only accounted for just over 3% of all people in the donating age range in Finland last year. Over the past ten years, the proportion has decreased by approximately a percentage point.…

Check out the annual report 2023

How did we manage to take care of Finland's blood supply last year? In the Blood Service's new annual report 2023, you will find key figures and statistics, as well as reviews of the most important…