Garrison donations are the cornerstone of maintaining blood stocks

The Blood Service and the Finnish Defence Forces both play an important role in maintaining preparedness in the society. The organisations also have a long, shared history that dates back to the war years in the 1940s. Today, the organisations collaborate on many levels. A significant part of collaboration involves the organisation of blood donation events in garrisons.

“Donated blood is preparedness

Garrison donations are crucial for maintaining blood stocks, particularly when it comes to obtaining new donors. Each year, we need approximately 20,000 new donors. In 2023, garrison donations made up approximately 10% of new donors.

Garrison donation events are organised in ten military units throughout Finland. Last year, 29 garrison donation events were held, with a total of 2,363 donors participating.

“Garrison donors have become the single largest group of new donors. A large and diverse group of blood donors is very important in order to secure the production of blood products needed to treat patients,” says Liisa Romo, the client manager of the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service.

Annually, only about 3% of people who are within the age bracket to donate blood do so.

“That share is simply too small, and we’re trying to increase it. Donated blood is preparedness that requires a comprehensive reserve of donors. That’s why new donors are essential,” Romo continues.

Regular donors are needed

At present, 45% of blood donors are men. The aim is to increase men’s share of the donor base, so garrisons are a great place to reach them.

A total of 33 donation events have been agreed for various garrisons this year.

“We are very pleased to work with the Finnish Defence Forces. The number of donation events has even increased in comparison to the pre-pandemic period. It is important to enable blood donation for young people in military service for whom the need for a blood transfusion may feel rather distant. Military service is an excellent time to learn about blood donation’s role in overall safety and security,” says Romo.

Major General Jukka Jokinen, Chief of Staff Army Command, also emphasises the importance of volunteering as a part of preparedness.

“In Finland, overall safety is built on cooperation between different operators in society. Many tasks are based on laws and legislation, but volunteering also plays an extremely important role.  It is important for us to offer both young conscripts and military staff the opportunity to support the preparedness of the Blood Service”, says Jokinen.

For many, donating blood for the first time is the start of a tradition that they take with them as they move from conscription into the reserves.

“I strongly encourage everyone in military service to actively participate in blood drives. We need every drop,” says Jukka Jokinen.



Last modified: 04.10.2024