Donate blood during working hours
Does your workplace allow you to donate blood during working hours? The Blood Service’s Workplace certificate is a concrete way to help patients and demonstrate social responsibility.
More info below!
What is the Donate blood during working hours certificate?
The Blood Service’s workplace certificate is awarded in recognition of an organisation that allows its workers to donate blood during working hours.
The certificate
- Gives companies and other organisations a new way to demonstrate social responsibility
- Enables more people to donate blood during working hours
Our goal is to use the certificate to encourage more people to donate blood. We hope that with the launch of the certificate, more and more companies will make it possible to donate blood during working hours.
Please note: Based on the feedback received, we have updated the workplace certificate logo to the new version on 19th of September.
How does the employer benefit from the certificate?
For companies and other organisations, the certificate is one way to demonstrate social responsibility and provide a meaningful experience of helping others. At the same time, the certificate is part of the companies’ responsible brand and employer image.
Scheduling challenges can be an obstacle to blood donation, especially for many working people. The Donate blood during working hours certificate means that both companies and their employees have the opportunity to be involved in helping patients. The organisation receives an electronic certificate, which it can upload to its website.
Is there an annual fee for the certificate?
No. There is no need to pay anything for implementing the Donate blood during working hours certificate. We warmly welcome all workplace certificate users!
Does the Blood Service regulate the use of the certificate?
We do not specifically regulate the use of the certificate. The workplace itself can decide on the details of blood donation, such as how many times a year employees can donate blood during working hours.
How do I implement the certificate?
The condition for the use of the certificate is the possibility to donate blood during working hours. Organisations can decide for themselves on more detailed boundary terms for blood donation.
The certificate is electronic and can be downloaded from our material bank (material bank website in Finnish). Note! You do not need an account to access our material bank. Logos can be found under Materiaalit-Logot-Tyopaikkasertifikaatti). You can also copy the image from this website for you to use.
To enable your organisation to implement the Donate blood during working hours certificate:
- Sign up by filling out the contact information for your workplace
- Download the certificate from our material bank or copy the image from the website from this page
- Export the certificate to your own website
- A mention of participation is also enough. You can add, for example, the sentence: “We can donate blood during working hours” on your website
- Remember to tell employees about the possibility to donate blood on e.g. the intranet and tell others on social media, such as LinkedIn
Check the list who already has the certificate (in Finnish)