Check out the annual report 2023
How did we manage to take care of Finland's blood supply last year? In the Blood Service's new annual report 2023, you will find key figures and statistics, as well as reviews of the most important changes and events of last year.

The year 2023 marked the Blood Service’s 75th anniversary. But instead of looking back, we chose renewal as the theme of the anniversary year, because society, technology, people’s behavior and healthcare needs are changing. Many reforms were implemented, for example new digital services and a blood donation bus that started operating in the capital region.
A large number of people participate in taking care of the patients. Last year, 114,140 different people registered to donate blood and there were 175,550 whole blood donations. At the end of last year, both the Stem Cell Registry and the Blood Service biobank already had more than 70,000 members.
Our annual report 2023 is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.