Afraid of blood donation?

Donating blood can sometimes cause nervousness or even fear. Side effects related to blood donation are reported in less than 2% of all donations, and most of these are mild discomfort. We have compiled some different ways below to help ease nervousness and fear.

Blood donator at the donation point.
I was quite nervous about going to donate blood because I can't look at my own blood. I took an online test and was pretty sure I could donate blood if I just dared. I went to the donation center and got to speak with a wonderful nurse who reassured me that there was nothing to worry about. The donation process went smoothly, and the nurse was with me the whole time, which made me feel calm. I’m really glad I finally dared to go, and that I was received so kindly.
– Woman, about 30 years old. Source: Donor survey 12/2024

Tell our nurses

If you have any concerns or fears about donating blood, it’s a good idea to share them with the nurse when you arrive at the donation center. This way, the nurse can take your concerns into account during your visit. Our nurses are trained professionals who are ready to assist you in any situation.

Don’t worry if you can’t donate blood

It’s completely normal if it turns out you can not donate blood or if the blood donation is interrupted! This can happen to anyone, and you can still enjoy the snacks offered at the station. Our job is to determine whether you can donate blood, and no one who arrives to donate blood is an unnecessary visitor.


Relaxation helps ease tension. The more relaxed you can be during the blood donation, the more likely it is to go smoothly.

Distracting yourself

You don’t need to watch the needle! You can ask the nurse to talk with you about something else. You can listen to music or watch videos on our office’s TV or on your phone—you might even forget you’re donating blood!

Get familiar in advance

You can gather information about blood donation in advance so you know what will happen during the process. Read more about how blood donation works here.

Join a friend who is donating blood

You’re welcome to visit the Blood Service center if your friend or is donating blood! This way, you can get familiar with our staff, facilities, and observe the blood donation process. You don’t need to donate blood yourself.

Bring a friend along!

If you feel encouraged to donate blood yourself, bring a friend for support! They don’t need to donate blood.

Our nurses will take care of you

Our nurses will make sure you have a sufficient rest period after donating blood. Snacks will be available after the donation. If you feel unwell during the donation, our nurses will take care of you.

Blood donation is voluntary. Even if you’re not ready to donate blood, you can still talk to your friends about the importance of blood donation and encourage them to donate!

It’s important to note that relaxation and exposure exercises may not be effective, if the fear of needles is caused by a structural, involuntary tendency to faint due to a drop in blood pressure caused by the situation.

Here you can also read the frequently asked questions related to being nervous during blood donation.

Can I donate?

The majority of people living in Finland and of blood donation age are suitable as blood donors.

Take a test!
Students hanging out at the campus lobby. When students donate blood, they will receive a patch.

How to prepare to donate blood

No special preparations are needed to donate blood. You do not need to know your blood group or undergo blood tests in advance. You are welcome as you are!

Read more!

Book an appointment!

Find a donation site closest to you and book an appointment or drop by.

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