Why to donate blood?
Have you thought about donating blood, but something has always come up? By donating blood, you can make a significant difference in other people’s lives. It is one of the most valuable gifts you can give.

More blood donors are needed in Finland
Most of us could try donating blood, but unfortunately, only 3% of Finns do so. Each year, approximately 20,000 completely new blood donors are needed to ensure there are enough diverse donors in Finland to secure patient care now and in the future.
New blood donors are constantly needed because old donors may not always be able to donate regularly. People’s life situations change, and not everyone can continue donating blood.
By donating blood, you can help up to three patients
Voluntary blood donors are crucial support for patients. Blood donated is processed into blood products for hospitals, where they are vital for accident victims, cancer patients, new mothers, and surgical patients, among others. Some conditions require regular blood transfusions for patients. Without donors, the care for these individuals would be impossible.
Donated blood is divided into components: red blood cells, platelets, and plasma. These different parts of blood are used for various purposes. In this way, one donation can help many patients. Blood donation is an easy way to give back to society and to help those in difficult situations. It’s a tangible way to show compassion. ❤️
Feeling nervous about blood donation? Read our tips to ease anxiety and fear here.

What’s in it for you?
- Find out your haemoglobin levels
- Find out your blood group
- Coffee and snacks
- A moment of calm and a good mood because you helped others
Here’s how you do it
- Allow about an hour for donation
- Eat and drink normally on the day of donation
- Take photo ID with you (your driving licence is fine!)
- If you feel nervous, tell one of our nurses
- Everything is better with company, so ask a friend to come with you!
Who can donate?
You can probably donate blood if:
- You are 18 or over. In Finland, the oldest age at which you can give blood for the first time is 59.
- You weigh between 50 and 199 kilograms.
- You are in good overall health. Most diseases and medications do not prevent you from giving blood. The following, among others, are not prohibited: Antihypertensives, cholesterol medications or tablet-treated diabetes.