Applications invited for Blood Service research grants 2023
Call for applications for grants of the Blood Service Research Fund opens on 6 February 2023. The primary aim of the Fund is to support research related to the current and possible future products and services of the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service. The application period is from 6 February to 31 March 2023.

The funding is targeted to scientific research done outside the Blood Service. The projects may be related to blood donors and donation, blood products, cell therapy, transplantation, and histocompatibility. The fields could include, for instance, biomedicine, clinical research, engineering, nursing, social sciences, or economics.
Total funding of € 500,000 is available for 2023. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Blood Service, € 200 000 is earmarked to research on blood and tissue donation, volunteer donors, and use of blood products. Each grant may be awarded for 1 to 3 years at a time. Funding can be applied for to cover research costs, salaries, personal grants or research visits to Finland or abroad.
You will find the detailed instructions and forms at the Blood Service website.
The applications are evaluated by an independent Review Committee. The decisions by the Executive Board of the Blood Service will be informed to the principal applicant and published by autumn 2023.
The Research Fund has supported research on novel cell therapies, blood cells, and transplantation with annual total amounts of about € 500 000. The projects funded can be found at the Blood Service website.
The Blood Service Research Fund was founded by the Finnish Red Cross and the annual amount of funding is decided by the Executive Board of the Finnish Red Cross. The aim of the Fund is to support research related to the Research Strategy of the Blood Service.